

Welcome to the digital age of dentistry and medical imaging! The healthcare industry is undergoing a revolutionary change, transitioning from traditional film x-rays and paper charting to a more efficient and advanced digital workflow. This shift is not just a trend; it is a necessary evolution to ensure better patient care, increased efficiency, and a reduction in environmental impact. In this comprehensive guide, we will navigate through every aspect of this transition, providing insights, strategies, and tips to ensure a successful transformation of your practice.

The Case for Going Digital

The superiority of digital imaging over traditional film x-rays is undeniable. Digital images provide clearer, more detailed views of the patient’s anatomy, allowing for more accurate diagnoses and treatment planning. The ability to adjust brightness, contrast, and zoom in on specific areas enhances the clinician’s ability to detect issues early on.

Example of a DC-Air™ radiograph with a zoom focus on an area of interproximal decay.

Digital workflows cut down the time required for capturing and processing images significantly. Traditional film requires time for development, whereas digital images are available almost instantaneously. This rapid access to images streamlines the entire process, from diagnosis to treatment.

Gone are the days of bulky physical archives. Digital storage solutions not only save space but also ensure that patient data is secure and easily accessible, even remotely. This has implications for collaborative care, as images and patient information can be shared quickly between healthcare providers.

The transition to a digital dental workflow eliminates the need for the chemicals used in film development, contributing to more sustainable practices in the healthcare industry.

Preparing for the Transition

Before diving into the digital world, it is crucial to evaluate your current workflow, equipment, and practices. Understand what works, what doesn’t, and where there is room for improvement. Our imaging experts at FTG can help identify options based on your existing software or recommend options if you are starting from scratch.

Develop a clear and comprehensive plan for the transition, involving all team members in the process. Establish your goals, set realistic timelines, and prepare everyone for the changes ahead.

The transition to a digital dental workflow is an investment. Prepare a budget, taking into account the costs of new equipment, software, and training. Consider financing options and focus on the long-term ROI, keeping in mind the efficiency and improvement in patient care that a digital workflow brings.

Implementing the Digital Workflow

The market offers a plethora of digital x-ray machines and imaging software. One standout option is the DC-Air™ wireless sensor, which brings unparalleled convenience and flexibility to image capturing. Unlike conventional digital sensors, the DC-Air™ is wireless, lightweight, and designed for patient comfort. Its advanced technology ensures superior image quality, and its wireless nature means it can be easily moved and shared between operatories, reducing the need for multiple sensors.

Ensure that the chosen equipment and software integrate seamlessly with your existing practice management software to create a smooth and efficient workflow. While most imaging programs are “open”, meaning they will allow for integration with a wide range of OEM devices, there are a few imaging programs that are “closed” or “proprietary”, limiting your options for equipment integration. An open imaging software is the best option as it allows the freedom to incorporate different competitive equipment options so you can always use the best equipment for your needs.

Another important consideration is the training you will receive with any equipment option. Make sure that comprehensive training for all staff members is included with your purchase to ensure everyone is proficient and comfortable with the new digital tools. Ensure that ongoing support and resources are available to address any issues or questions that may arise.

Finally, safely migrating existing patient data to the new digital system is crucial. Ensure data integrity and compliance with regulations throughout this process. The software company you are working with should be able to provide a detailed overview of the cost and timeline for conversion if any data migration is necessary.

Overcoming Challenges and Troubleshooting

Change can be daunting, and there might be resistance from the team. Understand their concerns, provide ample training, and highlight the benefits of the digital workflow to foster a positive attitude towards the change.

Be prepared for potential technical issues and have protocols in place to address them swiftly. Ensure that your team knows who to contact and what steps to take in case of technical difficulties. At FTG, we provide our clients with multiple direct contact methods for support technicians, so they are never left on hold if a question arises.

Maximizing the Benefits of a Digital Workflow

Explore the full range of features offered by your digital systems. Use them to their full potential to enhance efficiency, diagnostic capabilities, and patient care. New tools such as advanced image enhancement and AI-based diagnostics are game changers when properly implemented.

Stay updated with industry advancements and ensure that your software and equipment are always up to date. Foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement within your team.


Embracing the transition to a digital dental workflow is a pivotal step towards modernizing your practice, enhancing patient care, and improving operational efficiency. While the transition requires an upfront investment in terms of time, money, and effort, the long-term benefits are immense. We encourage practices to confidently step into the digital era, armed with the knowledge and strategies shared in this guide.

One of our clients, Dr. Drew Rodney, shared his experience with transitioning to digital imaging and charting in the October 2023 issue of Decisions in Dentistry. Read more on that here: 1023 Decisions (decisionsindentistry.com)